01 Oct 2024
Enzymes as enablers of the bioeconomy
Enzymes are proteins present in all living organisms. When used in industrial processes they enable the efficient conversion of renewable biological resources into bio-based products. They help to reduce reliance on traditional, fossil fuel-based processes, which are often more energy intensive. For instance, enzymes like cellulase break down biomass into usable compounds, such as glucose or other sugars. These compounds can then be processed to produce bio-based chemicals to be used in many sectors including food and agriculture, detergents, textiles or bioenergy. By supporting the replacement of conventional chemical processes by alternative bio-based processes enzymes are supporting the transition towards a circular bioeconomy.
- Sustainable food systems: industrial biotechnology is an enabling technology which contributes towards improving industrial efficiencies and reducing food waste. Biorefineries valorise renewable feedstock to produce a wide range of products and ingredients for food and feed.
- Climate and sustainable ambition: Increased efficiency of industrial processes results in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and resource use.
- Industrial strategy: Industrial biotechnology, is a key enabling technology for Europe’s Industrial Future
- Innovation: EU research and innovation, including public-private partnerships like the Circular Biobased Europe Joint Undertaking, are key in supporting the development and scale-up of sustainable bio-based solutions, including cutting-edge biotechnology solutions.
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